[This way to the link list to read and educate yourself on the vicious manipulators who work 24-7 to steal your right to life of free will and choice.]
I saw this list last year. Joel Osteen should be number one on the list, as his church is the mega of the mega churches.
From http://educate-yourself.org/cn/falseprophets10jul05.shtml
July 10, 2005
FALSE TEACHERS...Benny Hinn, T.D. Jakes, Robert Schuller, Marilyn
Hickey, Paul & Jan Crouch, Rod Parsley, R.W. Shambach, Carlton
Pearson, John Avanzinni, Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, John Hagee,
Jessie Duplantis, Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts, Kenneth Hagin Sr.,
Kenneth Hagin Jr., Frederick Price, Creflo Dollar, Rodney Howard
Browne, Jack Van Impe, Rinehard Bonnke, Texx Marrs, Joyce Meyer,
Morris Cerello, John Kilpatrick, Clarence McClendon, Kent Hovind,
Rick Joyner, Hal Lindsey, Charles Capps, Robert Tilton.
FALSE PROPHETS...Ellen G. White, Joseph Smith, Kim Clement, Mark
Charonna, Juanita Bynum, Brigham Young, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland,
Jack Van Impe, John Kilpatrick.
HERETICAL BOOKS & MOVEMENTS...New World Translation, Kenneth Copeland
Study Bible, Book of Mormon, Brownsville Revival, Azusu Street
Revival, Pensacola Outpouring, Holy Laughter, Slain in the Spirit,
Gospel in the Stars, Endtime Restorationism, Perpetual 5-Fold
Ministry, Free Masonry.
PROBLEMATIC TEACHERS...Pat Robertson, D. James Kennedy, Joel Osteen.
Why these men are false teachers and prophets.....
Benny Hinn is about the most sought after false prophet and teacher
today. Benny Hinn falsely predicted that all the homosexuals in
America would die by fire in the late 1990's. Benny Hinn has
confessed that there are 9 beings within the Godhead. 3 beings
(Tritheism) each having their own trinity of beings within each.
Benny Hinn teaches word-faith doctrine. Benny Hinn stated on TBN that
after his crusade in South America in 2002, that he was certain that
he would return to America with video footage of Jesus appearing on
stage during the crusades, because Jesus had told him this was going
to happen. Hinn also stated that very soon people would no longer
need to take their deceased loved ones to the morgue. Instead, stated
Hinn, they should be placed in front of the television during the
airing of TBN and they would rise from the dead. We don't have enough
paper to list all of the falseness of Hinns ministry.
T.D. Jakes denies the Trinity. That makes his church a cult. Jakes
has many other false teachings including word-faith, and the
prosperity gospel.
Robert Schuller, is a positive thinking guru who denies essential
Christian doctrine.
Marilyn Hickey is a word-faith teacher teaching false doctrine. One
of her tapes recods her having a conversation with her billfold,
commanding the billfold to fill itself with greenbacks.
Paul Crouch is responsible for an unending open door welcoming false
teachers and prophets to his pulpit no matter how outlandish their
their aberant teachings may be. Croch has publicly stated that anyone
who tests the teaching of any ministers on his programs will go
straight to hell. Crouch has openly stated his desire to kill
Christian apologists who point out heresy preached on his stations.
Rod Parsley is a word-faith preacher who specializes in whipping up
his audiences into altered states of consciousness. His outlandish
style is attractive to people who get emotionally carried away by
repetitive music and mantras.
R.W. Shambach is an incredible con-artist used by CBN to raise money
during their telethons. With scare tactics and false teaching,
Shambach surgically convinces thousands to send their money to
finance the heretical TBN .
Carlton Pearson has even been attacked by false teachers like T.D.
Jakes for his support of the "doctrine of exclusion." This doctrine
tries to reconcile Christianity and Islam, claiming the 2 religions
are completely compatible.
John Avanzinni is a name-it-and-claim-it mega-star used by TBN
whenever they want to promote the hundredfold blessing. Avanzinni
also promotes the heresy that God's reason for creating humanity is
to duplicate himself.
Kenneth & Gloria Copeland have one of the largest false ministries
and influences in America. Copeland teaches that Adam was an exact
duplicate of God. Copeland teaches that Jesus became a demonic being
when he was crucified and had to go to hell and be born again. The
Copelands attempt to specialize in word-faith teaching. Copeland
calls God, the biggest loser in the Bible, and says Jesus was not God
during his earthly life.
John Hagee calls Covenant Theologians heretics, because they do not
make a distinction between the church and Israel in the New
Testament. Branding them as the "carriers of Hitler's annointing",
Hagee divides the body of Christ on secondary issues. Hagee is also
extremely dogmatic in his eschatology, failing to understand that
there are many diverse interpretations acceptable within the pale of
Jessie Duplantis' ministry is riddled with errors. Presenting his
messages with humor, Duplantis is a typical word-faith clone of Ken
Copeland, often preaching from Copeland's pulpit.
Oral Roberts and son, Richard Roberts are both word-faith con-
artists. Oral is the originator of the seed-faith doctrine. Have a
need? Plant a seed. Large amounts of cash make the best seed for
planting. Both men practice cultic doctrines of bringing their chorts
into altered states of consciousness.