[This way to the link list to read and educate yourself on the vicious manipulators who work 24-7 to steal your right to life of free will and choice.]
Your soul can be stolen in any way at any time. You are most vulnerable when you are dead. Your chances of making it to heaven are slim, even if you walk a straight arrow. Why? Because when most people die, they either get stuck on the astral plane [limbo between heaven and earth], stuck in a pipe tube and forced to travel through to the pit of hell or find themselves being pulled to the soul catcher machine on the moon. Or worse yet, the dead find themselves trapped in one of the dirty underground cities or tormented at one of many alien bases on the planet such as Dulce. Some people are earthbound when they die. They become what is called a ghost. A ghost can walk around anywhere on the planet. Most ghosts haunt houses or a place. That's because either they died in that place or they have some unfinished business that was never taken cared of when they were alive.
Stealing someone's soul is not right. Doing so means that you are a greedy, manipulative, son of a bitch. Satan steals souls on a daily basis. But Satan isn't the only one who can do it. Anyone can go around stealing souls. What I am posting below is a conversation thread from occultists that someone sent to me about soul stealing. These occultists claim that it's so simple to steal a soul. Be forewarned and educate yourself on what can happen to you if you are not careful in your life. After reading this, be sure that your soul doesn't get stolen and end up being under a thumb of a psychopath. Or locked up in a black box at an alien base like Dulce.
From a yahoo group that shall remain nameless:
Subject: Stealing Souls, Satan can do it. Can we?
(Letters are used instead of names)
A.) I am curious, not because I am a Satanist but because I really would want to do this. I always hear of people (usually Satanists) selling their souls or making a pact with a demon or something but is it possible for another human to in fact give away their soul to another? My reasons for wanting to know your opinion are quite private but I just am wondering what you think.
B.) This is one of those issues where young neophytes have a tendency to over magickalize things. Certainly you can steal a soul. Soul = Purpose. Give your Purpose to 'Satan' and get some benefit in return. Theoretically. If someone gives you their purpose, you direct their actions and intentions. But, it's not a matter of handing over a soul jar, or soul stone, or some foolishness like that. There is no magickal means beyond the practical magick of manipulation that will allow you to take someone's purpose. That's what cult leaders do. Use their magnetic personality to draw the weak into their cult and apprehend their purpose. He hijacks their soul. If you have to ask, it's likely you lack the talent. Which is probably better, because no one needs more irresponsible people like that running around.
A.) Hahaha, thank you. But first off allow me to disperse your thoughts that I am some kind of neophyte, I will not waste my time trying to prove to you that I'm not because honestly I have nothing to prove. I wrote this not to ask HOW to but to see if any of you think it was possible, and if you had any theories on it. I do not take being called a young neophyte kindly so I ask in the future you use some discretion before making assumptions. Now if any of you read this please reply in the way I have asked, I hope I have made this perfectly clear.
C.) Very admirable statement! I've seen too often people assuming some sort authority in magick because they've read a book or two and want their ego stroked, (or sadly they've played too many games and believe that since they were a level 21 mage, they're VERY much an adept in the actual practice and the same rules apply but omit dice or a magick bar..oy!) so it's refreshing to see someone who's NOT trying to be something they're not. Honestly, I'd refer you to the book, Pacts With the Devil. In this book he talks about this just occasion in Voodoo, where you don't sell your own soul but that of other people. So, when something comes through on the bargain, your soul isn't taken, often it's people close to you. (This is only a practice that some practitioners of Voodoo do. Many of them are against it and find it a certain pathway to angering their deities.) It is possible and I've heard of some practitioners able to do it, but, in the instances where you would actually 'want' to wager a soul of a person there are better ways to go about doing it, but that's me.
B.) I think it's possible, and I offered a theory. Also, it is easily possible that magicians who are not young neophytes may encounter this issue, and still not have a good theory of their own to put into practice, or not enough information, and so misinterpret what exactly 'stealing a soul' or 'trading a soul' means. Of the number of people I have entered into the subject with, all of them were individuals generally new to magick. Selling one's soul is the obviously quick and 'easy' way to get something. The majority of experienced magicians I have traded theory and practice with in the past, have by and large seemed to understand how valuable a soul is, and understand the long list of reasons why you shouldn't part with it. The exact same principle applies to giving your soul away to someone. You center your purpose on them. You give them the control over your path, and commit to giving up your own will. Who knows what you may get in exchange, although the natural sensations will likely involve security and a source of faith. The question is, can you bring yourself to give your soul away? It's a totally selfless act, in a way, as there can be none of your own will in your purpose thereafter, or you've retained some of it. Pardon my condescending nature, you're not the first person it's bothered. The manifestation of this kind of magick is fairly obvious when you give it some thought in combination with just a little experience with one's own sense of the Soul. I call 'em like I see 'em. If it makes you feel better, I do make assumptions, but I don't get attached to them. I don't care who you are, I only care about your question, and answering it with the best of my ability as my experience allows.
A.) I am not interested in selling my soul, I was just interested because I have been studying cult leaders and other people in history that have had a major influence in this world not because of themselves but because of their influence over people. When I see a mass of people have such a blind trust for one person it just makes me wonder if there is more to the leader than their charisma and ability to manipulate. I have a small magickal following I guess you could call it that I happen to be the leader of and I have sat down and asked each of them why they have trusted me enough to follow me and they haven’t given me very satisfying answers. They all basically said that it is because they like me and that I got them introduced into the occult. And in this day and age I am sad to say that it is hard to find people you can truly trust, so I posed this theory. I apologize because I believe my title was a bit misleading. I don’t in fact plan to steal anyone’s soul but rather to have people give it as a sign that I can trust them. Perhaps this is a bit extreme, but again it’s only a theory.
D.) To answer your question, first we must know what you mean by "the soul". Then we can perhaps answer if it is possible to steal someone’s soul. But now we have no clue what the soul is. It means so many different things in different schools of magick, there is no clear cut answer to this question, unless you specify which soul you are talking about.
A.) My definition of a soul is the entity in side us that separates us from lesser beings, it is not only are purpose but it is what enables us to CHOOSE what are purpose is. An animal has a certain role it is expected to play in this reality and it is extremely rare that it fails to do so, and if it does it is usually because of human intervention or circumstances that effect its environment. Say a Satanist gives their soul away, well in my eyes that person no longer has a say in what there purpose is in life. Satan from that moment on uses them and their actions to further his cause whether it be for their good or not. Same thing with Christianity, even though it isn’t as blunt Christians in fact give there soul away to god...I mean have you listened to their songs? They practically are begging to be his puppet.... Now in my opinion I do not believe its permanent, I believe that if said person has enough will power they can in fact regain control of their lives.. but this feat would be extremely difficult to accomplish.
D.) In that way, with enough energy I think it is possible to devise a ritual to capture another persons soul. You would also need a vessel of some sort to store/seal the soul in. I do not think you can keep the soul on you, since your body is already the seat of another soul. The vessel should be masterly crafted and magically strengthened during a ritual you performed someday earlier. Otherwise it would not be capable of containing a human soul, since what you define as a soul is in my opinion rather strong and not easily contained. The vessel should be inscribed with barbaric names and sigils, that would strengthen it enough to contain the soul. During the sealing ritual you should then intone and call upon these barbaric names. You should keep the vessel outside your circle, as when doing evocation. A forcibly removed soul could do you some harm out of anger. Later on you should bring the vessel inside of the circle for further sealing. You may devise a means of tapping power from this vessel, if you wish to do so. Perhaps via a special sigil on the vessel, which allows you to tap into it when you touch it. It may be possible the persons soul you steal will die after a while without its soul. Giving your soul to the devil does not remove your soul imho. it dedicates your soul to him, but leaves it inside your body. This would be my approach on it, and the ritual would be researched in various occult books, like crowleys 777. For symbolisms and correct barbaric names fitting for such a ritual. It would take a whole lot of work, but it is possible I believe.
A.) That sounds very interesting...lol unfortunately my magick is extremely casual so I don’t know how well that would work for me. Me being a chaos sorcerer (or whatever you want to call it) my magick is quite on the spot, the rituals I do don’t have any special formulas I just take what has worked for me in the past and apply it to whatever I might need. The only thing that remains constant is my prayer to my gods (Anubis, Osiris, Isis and Ra) who have been guiding me for more than a year but that is besides the point...
E.) If 'soul' defined here is purpose (idea) or energy that carries purpose of individual, 'entity' inside us with karma program, and stealing would be deprogramming that entity, changing path of individual by changing 'purpose'. it could be , it is really (self) destructive action to do playing with someone’s karma, it would be less painful I believe if subjects are willing, but it ends all to one thing- I believe that one manipulating other ppl souls is taking 'karmic responsibility' for them. and there are more simpler ways to do that purpose transfer than triangle & barbaric names.
A.) Would you be willing to share some of your ideas on how you believe this will be done, I have since devised a way to get what I want without having to steal someone’s soul but now I am curious, and if I changed the path of someone wouldn’t I be Reprogramming instead of Deprogramming? And doesn’t karma have to do with the persons actions, not their soul? I can understand if what I'm doing to them comes back to me but are not the things they due under my influence still their fault? Since they still could have refused?...lol sry for all the questions...
Hmmmm? I never really heard of stealing souls, except in a sci-if movie. As far as Karma goes, I do believe that we experience soul lessons. Things Father gives us, to teach us. What we reap we do sow.
Posted by: Kimmy | Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 05:30 AM
I had a frightening experience two nights ago when after my new boyfriend sat next to me a little while earlier and meditated and chanted, i was in that limbo stage of semi wakening. I dreamt? that i was in front of an alter/drawers opening a small bottle of essential oil when suddenly i felt a pulling or tugging of what i felt was my soul, away from my body and i began to speak in some other language quite loudly which woke me up with a jerk. Is he or someone trying to grab my soul or do you think that it was just a dream? While my boyfriend was meditating he was holding his right hand lightly above my heart for around a minute or two, just before i fell asleep. I'm thinking it may be co-incidence??!! what do you think guys?
Posted by: toni | Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 06:33 AM