[This way to the link list to read and educate yourself on the vicious manipulators who work 24-7 to steal your right to life of free will and choice.]
Nowhere for Ron Cain to run. Nowhere for him to hide. His whining is getting old like the hills outside. Yes he's still whining like a baby about being banned and chased away from a great deal of forums and spewing the same old lies on top of it. Lies that I am so sick of hearing. One lie being how he feels sorry for me. If he was REALLY sorry, he wouldn't be slandering my name and my blog all over the web like I have seen at the heathen boards tonight.
Amusing how he only shows the groups that he's at only the very first post I wrote about him and he doesn't show them ALL the other posts I have written about him and his buddies. And he says he's not being the deceitful one. POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK that's for sure.
I've been hearing for the past week that Richard Landes [a.k.a. Harry Walther] is very desperate in getting away from Ron Cain. That's what happens when you allow a demon from the pit of hell to befriend you.
Stay tuned. I am going post everything that I have found. Stuff that Ron Cain doesn't want you to see. Stuff that he said at a great deal of forums that he's probably going to regret for ever saying in the first place. That includes the list of yahoo ids that he's been using to hide behind.